M-Box 1.5
What is M-Box 1.5 and who benefits
6 Axis Motorised M-Box with Stereo Viewing through Occulars
- Auto suggestion & auto location + zoom for second position of any Inclusion.
- Auto Position for Inclusion confirmation No Size Limits.
- Suitable for 0.10 Ct to 1000 Ct Rough Diamond.
- Pin Points to graining, all with very precise location.
- Auto Brightness & Contrast control gives very crispy on screen display.
- Auto focus and auto plotting of fine inclusions.
- Completely motorized intuitive Control & Zooming through One-touch 3D gaming mouse from 3DCONNEXION.
- User friendly GUI and ergonomically designed – Windows 8 Compatible.
- Special algorithms for Auto cloud, Auto surface cavities, Blind spot, Pin Point inclusion, 3D inclusion, Flat cracks and Curved cracks.
- Auto scan of specific area. Inclusions can be picked and placed from any window located at any place (except the place where the stone is glued).
- Different lighting options for transparent and opaque inclusions.
- User friendly GUI and ergonomically designed control board.
- Inclusion from VVS to I3 can be mapped.
- Magnification up to 160x optical Even pin-hole cavities can be scanned and automatically mapped.
- Automatic focusing on surface and on any Inclusion. LAN configurable.
- Can be networked with Helium Rough and other Oxygen / Pacor terminals.
- Quick inclusion placement and very quick payback time.
- On screen zoom of 1180X.
- Resolution of 0.0006mm/pixel.
- Low luminescence camera improving visibility of very fine inclusion.
- Better visibility allowing for auto focus and auto inclusion plotting.
- Auto Exposure.
- Auto Focus on Inclusion.
- Quick Zooming & Focusing.
- Auto Inclusion Search.
- Special Effects for seeing hard to find inclusion.
- Edges of any watery crack can be easily seen in M-BOX.
7.8x to 160X
0.10 Cts to 1000 Cts
6 Axis - All Motorised
Inclusion Size
VVS1 to I3
Diamond Holding
Helium Stage (gluing) & between Pins for Polished Diamond
Inclusion type
All (Including Cloud, Pin Point, Surface Cracks, 3D etc.) & Auto Cloud Plotting
Cavity scanning
Auto - including deep pin-hole cavities
24 months (12months free service)
Computer requirements
CMOS Camera
2/3" CCD - 1360 X 1024 resolution
0.0006 mm
All Axis
Motorized auto assistance
Movement Control
3D Gaming Mouse