
Diamond Cut Study
IV Gemological Symposium, San Diego, Ca, USA, 27-30 Aug, 2006
Poster prezentation Study of Interdependence: Fancy-color Diamond Appearance, Cut, and Lighting Conditions
Oral Prezentation Fancy-Color Diamonds: Better Color Appearance by Optimizing Cut
1st International Diamond Cut Conference, Mos…

OctoNus Diamond Cut Initiative
1. Information necessary for understanding of the current market and history of its problems.
Why does diamond – the ultimate luxury product – loose out so badly to “other luxury goods”? Is it because other luxury industries (expensive cars, high fashion, yachts, etc,) practice technical novelty, f…

Rough and Polish diamond movies
There are several sets of Rough and Polish diamond movies:
Science of Milky Dudhak Rough Diamond movies (2017)
DiBox all shapes of polished diamonds movies (2016)
ViBOX movies (2015)
M-BOX stereo movies (2015)
Rough stereo movies
Lightbox and movies for cut comparison
Round + Cushion1 movie
Round +…

Master Stone Set
List of all MSS diamonds PGS report Cutting Rules
AGS & GIAAGS GOLD 2008 & AGSPGS Chart for Table 57%GIA, AGS GOLD 2008 & AGSPGS ChartsGIA & AGSPGS
Put mouse over the diamond in the tables to show its photo or 3d model. Click on to view the detailed description.
List of all MSS …

List of all MSS diamonds
MSS Home List of all MSS diamonds PGS report Cutting Rules
AGS & GIAAGS GOLD 2008 & AGSPGS Chart for Table 57%GIA, AGS GOLD 2008 & AGSPGS ChartsGIA & AGSPGS
Put mouse over the diamond in the table to show its photo or 3d model. Click on to view the detailed description.

Study of Interdependence: Fancy-color Diamond Appearance, Cut, and Lighting Conditions
Poster Prezentation at IV Gemological Symposium, San Diego, Ca, USA 27-30 Aug 2006
Sergey Sivovolenko, OctoNus Software, Moscow, Russia Yuri Shelementiev, Diamond Design, Moscow, Russia
The DiamCalc modeling technology
Colored diamond models under various illuminating conditio…

Fancy-Color Diamonds: Better Color Appearance by Optimizing Cut
Oral Prezentation at IV Gemological Symposium, San Diego, Ca, USA 27-30 Aug 2006
Sergey Sivovolenko, OctoNus Software, Moscow, Russia Yuri Shelementiev, Diamond Design, Moscow, Russia
Color optimization method
Diamond absorption spectra
Two representations of colors
A good fancy colored…

Computer modeling of gemstones for improvement of their color appearance
Sergey Sivovolenko, OctoNusYuri Shelementiev, Moscow State University Gemological CenterRoman Serov, Moscow State University Gemological Center
Computer modeling of gemstones
There are many cases when a better cut can reveal a better color of a gemstone, and many cases when a gemstone’s app…

Visible adsorption spectra and DiamCalc-files of colored gem materials
Sergey Sivovolenko, OctoNusYuri Shelementiev, Diamond DesignRoman Serov, Moscow State University Gemological Center
Colored gem materials:
Cubic Zirconium
Synthetic diamond
Spectral data was obtained with SF-56A spectrophotometer in …

Diamond 3D Book is a computer tutorial that involves extensive information on working with diamonds: from the physical background determining the unique properties of these stones to the modern worldwide system of diamond trade.
More details: 3DBook

OctoNus DiamCalc Internal Cuts gallery
Princess 2 Chevron
Princess 3 Chevron
These cuts are created by OctoNus Software
DiamCalc Int…

OctoNus External Cuts gallery
You can extend the list of cuts in the Pacor, Helium and DiamCalc software with your original cuts using external cut modules. External cut module is a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) that holds the geometry structure of one or several cuts and contains necessary geometrical calculations. Read the de…

Diamond cuts gallery
Seventh Heaven, Bob Keller
DiamCalc 3 movie: Download movie (DiamCalcMediaVideo) Play movie, 1.5 Mb (QuickTime)
Alcyone, Bob Keller
DiamCalc 3 movi…