Rapaport price list converter download
Rapaport Price List converter
You can download Rapaport Price List Converter free of charge. The primary installation package contains only this program. It requires that ODBC is installed on the computer together with Microsoft dBase ODBC driver. Most probably your operating system already has this driver installed. We recommend you to download the primary installation package, install it and try to convert your data. It will check the computer and notify you if the additional driver is required. If the program manages to convert your data, you will see a notifying message that the conversion was completed successfully.
If the necessary driver is missing you will see a corresponding error message. In this case you need to install the driver named Microsoft dBase Driver (*.dbf). It is included in the Microsoft Data Access Components package (MDAC). You may download it from our web-site or directly from the Microsoft's web-site. The version of the MDAC on our site is 2.8. This package is being constantly updated by Microsoft and we recommend you to use the latest version from the Microsoft's web-site. This component may be found in the Data Access and Storage Developer Center section of the microsoft.com: http://msdn.microsoft.com/data/downloads/updates/default.aspx