"Askor" - Report on the tests of the interactive computer diamond marking system (ICDMS)


Approbation and Estimation of efficiency of the interactive computer diamond marking system (ICDMS).

Stones having inclusions that make efficient marking complicated and considered non-profitable with the existing visual marking technology and control lots.

Control lots
Stones Spec 2col 3ct 3pcs 9.07 ct
Stones Dark 2col 4ct 2 pcs 8.47 ct
Cleavage Spec 1col 3ct 3 pcs 9.73 ct
Experimental lots
Stones Spec 2col 3ct 3pcs 9.74 ct
Stones Dark 2col 4ct 3 pcs 12.41 ct
Cleavage Spec 1col 3ct 3 pcs 10.04 ct

The selected stones were of comparatively complicated shape (with various degrees of distortion). The inclusions were located both in peripheral and central zones. The "Cleavage" experimental group contained stones suitable for inscribing a large "Cr-57" diamond. The "Spec Stones" and "Dark Stones" groups consisted of stones similar with respect to both shape and inclusion location.

Work procedure

Mikhail Shcherbakov, an "Askor" expert, marked every stone of the experimental group and predicated the results with the help of traditional technology (mass, color group, quality group, linear parameters were determined). Then the prediction of the characteristics was made with the help of ICDMS, based on the expert’s marking. The optimal location of diamonds was determined with respect to their cost and considering the risk of possible loss. The marked stones were processed on the cutting production of "Askor" in accordance with the existed technology ("sawing"-"bruting"-"cutting"). In addition to the experimental lot, without the preliminary marking, a diamond of the following characteristics was marked with the help of ICDMS: Dark Stones 2col 4ct 4.78 ct.

1. Control lots
N Mass Value
Shape Mass Russian
Grading system
GIA Yield Price Value
Spec Stones, 2Col , 3ct 1256 = 3pcs ,9.07 ct
1 2.94 3692.64 Cr-57
1.09 5/5 (-5%) G/VS2 48.3% 3135 3417.15 3991.35 1.08
0.33 6/3 H/VVS2 1740 574.20
2 2.92 3667.52 Cr-57
1.08 3/5 E/VS1 51.4% 3900 4212.00 4481.78 1.22
0.42 2/8(-30%) E/12 658 269.78
3 3.21 4031.76 Cr-57
1.17 6/5 H/VS1 45.5% 3050 3568.50 3820.80 0.95
0.29 3/5 G/VS2 870 252.30
  9.07 11391.92   4.38     48.3%     12293.93 1.08
Dark Stones, 2Col , 4ct 1303= 2pcs ,8.47 ct
4 4.09 5329.27 Cr-57 1.57 5/6 G/VS2 47.7% 3600 5652.00 6093.56 1.14
F.Prin 0.38 3/6(-30%) F/VS2 1162 441.56
5 3.84 5707.14 Cr-57 1.21 4/7 F/SI1 44.7% 3350 5393.50 5606.65 0.98
F.Prin 0.61 3/8(-30%) E/I2 609 213.15
  8.47 11036.41   3.91     46.2% 2992   11700.21 1.06
Spec Cleavage, 1Col , 3ct 1054= 3pcs ,9.73 ct
7 3.13 3299.02 Cr-57 1.18 6/4 H/VS1 46.5% 3250 3835.00 3774.35 1.18
F.Trian 0.14 4/6(-15%) H/I2 434.75 63.67
8 2.86 3014.44 F.Prin 1.05 5/5(30%) G/VS1 54.3% 2310 2425.50 4869.77 0.92
Cr-57 0.27 3/3 G/VS1 1335 360.45
9 3.74 3941.96 F.Prin 1.21 3/7(30%) F/SI1 44.4% 2100 2541.00 4272.00 0.80
F.prin 0.34 3/3(30%) E/VVS2 1806 614.04
  9.73 10255.42   4.19     43.1%     9839.66 0.96
32683.75   16pcs
    45.8% 2711   33833.8 1.04

2. Experimental lots

N Mass Value
Shape Mass Russian
Grading system
GIA Yield Price Value
Spec Stones, 2Col , 3ct 1256= 3pcs ,9.74 ct
1 3.00 3768.00 Cr-57 1.09 6/4(-5%) H/VS1 53.7% 3087.5 3365.38 4388.22 1.16
F.Prim 0.52 4/4(-30%) G/VS1 1967 1022.84
2 3.03 3806.68 Cr-57 1.14 4/4 F/VS1 49.8% 3800 4332 4861.11 1.28
Cr-57 0.37 6/5* H/VS1 1430 529.10
3 3.71 4659.76 Cr-57 1.53 4/6 F/VS2 53.9% 3900 5967 6766 1.45
Cr-57 0.47 4/6 F/VS2 1700 799
  9.74 12233.74   5.12     52.6% 3128   16015.33 1.31
*- yellow spot
Dark Stones, 2Col, 4ct 1303= 3pcs ,12.41 ct
4 4.31 5615.93 Cr-57 1.75 5/7 G/SI1 53.1% 3210 5617.50 6913.50 1.23
Cr-57 0.54 5/5 G/VS1 2400 1296.00
5 3.84 5003.52 Cr-57 1.21 7/3 I/VVS2 47.4% 3150 3811.50 4845.45 0.97
F.6cnr 0.61 6/3(-30%) H/VVS2 1695 1033.95
6 4.26 5550.78 Cr-57 1.44 3/5 F/VS1 50% 3900 5616.00 7272.00 1.31
Cr-57 0.69 5/5 G/VS1 2400 1656.00
  12.41 16170.23   6.24     50.3%     19030.95 1.18
Dark Stones, 2Col, 4ct 4.78 ct.
7 4.78 6228.34 Cr-57 2.26 5/5(-5%) G/VS1 53.6% 4750 10735.00 11008.00 1.76
Cr-57 0.30 5/5 H/SI2 510 273.00
Spec Cleavage, 1Col , 3ct 1054= 3pcs ,10.04 ct
8 3.12 3288.48 Cr-57 1.26 4/7 F/SI1 46.5% 2850 3591.00 3774.35 1.15
F.7cnr 0.19 2/3(-20%) E/VVS2 965 183.35
9 3.22 3393.88 Cr-57 1.28 5/6 G/VS2 54.3% 3000 3840.00 4869.77 1.43
F.Trap 0.47 3/2(-30%) F/VVS1 2191 1029.77
10 3.70 3899.80 Cr-57 1.12 5/7 G/SI1 44.4% 2700 3024.00 4272.00 1.10
Cr-57 0.52 5/5 G/VS1 2400 1248.00
  10.04 10582.16   4.84     50.7%     12916.12 1.22
36.97 ct
45214.17   20pcs
18.76 ct
    50.7% 3143   58970.4 1.3

These tables demonstrate:

  1. The output is approximately 5% higher in all the experimental groups compared to the corresponding control groups.
  2. The efficiency ratio of the processing has increased by 10%.
  3. For brilliants that were cut from groups of "Spec Stones" and "Dark Stones" the improvement clarity of polished diamonds (on the average on 1 position) was received, that is shown in a trace to the table.
Experimental Test
Big Diamond Small Diamond Big Diamond Small Diamond
Spec stones
4.67 5.00 5.00 5.33
Dark stones
5.00 5.25 6.50 7.00

More correct and precise efficiency coefficients values could be obtained from the table below.

* There were no prognoses on diamond color and the result after cutting was used in diamond valuation.

N The diamond parameters were chosen according to "Askor" factory requirements The prognoses was tested by PaCor system The diamond parameters were chosen according to PaCor system   requirements Diamond parameters after cutting according to PaCor recommendations
  Quality Mass Price Quality Mass Price Quality Mass Price Quality Mass Price
Spec Stones, 2Col, 3ct 1256= 3pcs ,9.74 ct
N Mass Cost
1 3.00 3768
2 3.03 3806
3 3.71 4660
1 6/6 1,00 2750 6/6 1,06 2915 6/4 1,01 3282 6/4 1,09 3365
4/2 0,30 759 4/2 0,31 784 4/2(15%) 0.48 1187 4/4(30%) 0,52 1023
2 4/4 1,00 3800 4/4 1 3800 4/4 1,02 3876 4/4 1,14 4332
6/5 0,35 501 6/5 0,35 501 6/5 0,38 543 6/5 0,37 529
3 4/6 1,50 5850 4/6 1,46 4818 4/6 1,54 6006 4/6 1,53 5967
4/4 0,43 1097 4/4 0,42 1071 4/4 0,42 1071 4/6 0,47 799
Total Cost 14757,00     13889     15965     16015
Efficiency 1,206     1,135     1,305     1,309
Dark Stones, 2Col, 4ct 1303= 3pcs ,12.41 ct
N Mass Cost
4 4.31 5616
5 3.84 5004
6 4.26 5551
4 5/7 1,60 5040 5/7 1,60 5040 5/7 1,67 5261 5/7 1,75 5618
5/7a 0,53 848 5/7 0,53 1039 5/3 0,51 1403 5/5 0,54 1296
5 7/6 1,38 3588 7/6 1,4 3640 7/2 1,27 4128 7/3 1,21 3812
6/2 0,30 567 6/2 0,41 890 6/2 0.58 1462 6/3 0,61 1034
6 3/4 1,50 7725 3/7a 1,5 4650 3/4 1,5 7725 3/5 1,44 5616
5/5 0,64 1536 5/5 0,67 1608 5/5 0,68 1632 5/5 0,68 1656
Total Cost 19304,00     16867     21611     19032
Efficiency 1,194     1,043     1,336     1,177
Dark Stones, 2Col, 4ct 4.78 ct.
N Mass Cost
7 4.78 6228
7             5/4 2,08 11232 5/5(5%) 2,26 10735
5/4 0,3 570 6/7a 0,3 273
Total Cost             11802     11008
Efficiency             1,894     1,768
Spec Cleavage, 1Col, 3ct 1054= 3pcs ,10.04 ct
N Mass Cost
8 3.12 3288
9 3.22 3394
10 3.70 3900
8 4/7 1,00 2850 4/7 1,00 2850 4/7 1,11 3164 4/7 1,26 3591
2/4 Flat F. 183 2/4 Flat F. 183 2/4 Flat F. 183 2/3(20%) 0,19 183
9 5/6 1,00 3000 5/6 1 3000 5/6 1,19 3570 5/6 1,28 3840
3/2(30% 0,30 876 3/2(30%) 0,30 876 3/2(30%) 0,55 1359 3/2(30%) 0,47 1030
10 5/7 1,00 2700 5/7 1,00 2700 5/5 1,06 3498 5/7 1,12 3024
5/5 0,80 2016 5/5 0,80 2016 5/5 0,53 1276 5/5 0,52 1248
Total Cost 11625,00     11625     13050     12916
Efficiency 1,099     1,099     1,233     1,221

Due to imperfection of the "Askor" equipment and resulting mistakes in the phases of sawing and stripping, the clarity group and mass characteristics of the diamonds deteriorated, which resulted in diminishing of efficiency ratio on the following stones:

  1. There were mistakes during sawing diamonds # 1 and # 6;
  2. During cutting of ## 3,4,9 - the defects were not cut off;
  3. In diamond # 7 - the defects were not cut off because of incorrect bruting.
Head of division of "OctoNus" company Main technologist of "Askor" factory
S.B.Sivovolenko M.O.Sherbakov
"Kristall" - Report on the tests of the interactive computer diamond marking system (ICDMS)

The Spec Flat Shapes 9.49cr stone which was considered non-profitable according to the existent Moscow "Kristall" factory technology was marked in November 1993. The variant was suggested that Marquis 3.09cr be the main diamond. The location of the diamond was chosen that they not contain the largest inclusion of 30-50mcr. This variant turned out to be 20% more cost-efficient than the one of the factory had proposed (2.05cr 6/6 and 2.04cr 6/4). Than the factory ordered a system that would be flexible and capable of further improvements.

The tests arranged on June, those concerning efficiency of the system, were cancelled since no factory expert has doubts about it. We only tested various methods of the work in order to find the most efficient ones for Moscow "Kristall" factory. As for the stones we marked with the system, they were not traced in processing, because they were of less than 3 carats. That is why I take a risk to include a short summary of the factory expert’s opinions:

  1. The system as a functional unit never made a mistake.
  2. The precision of the systems exceeds the accuracy of the following technology operations.
  3. The system flexibility gives a lot of possibilities for substantial gain of profits.
  4. The system requires automatic marking mechanism (now in development).

OctoNus Software, 1997

"Alrosa" test report