We are not just at the forefront of technologies and prepared to change them, we actively create new technologies.
Our company creates computer aided tools which help people to be more effective, build their competencies and develop their abilities. Our mission is to be the leading voice in maintaining up-to-date knowledge databases and place them at the service of others.

Advanced Computer Technologies for Processing of Rough diamonds
Lecture by S.Sivovolenko in HRDDecember 11, 1997 The purpose of my lecture is to inform you of the instrument we created for evaluation and marking o…
Flicker- and Reflection-Free Multi-Light Illumination
Multi-light technology is a lighting approach for microscopes driven by the combination of specific hardware (LED lighting) and software (frames live …
Immersion Glass
Immersion Glass is the technology developed by Lexus / Octonus which can be used to view inclusions inside the rough stone without physical windowing,…
Laser Mapping of Concavities
From the materials of Pricescope Diamond Journal "Lasers used in planning the cutting of diamonds" by Garry Holloway. All scanners build 3D virtual mo…
A method and apparatus for locating inclusions in a diamond stone European patent application Publication No. 1 211 503 Date of publication: …
Scanning major and minor symmetry features
Major and minor symmetry features can be revealed by Helium precise 3D model, like pictured here naturals, not proper facet junction pointing, and «tw…The technology of the jewelry diamond processing is our current main area of expertise.
Our mission is to become the leading voice in maintaining up-to-date knowledge databases and place them at the service of other people. We are not just at the edge of the forefront technologies and prepared to changes, we actively create them.